Class MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3
Defines the properties for MLSearchTrigger, providing configuration options for machine learning tasks like object detection, classification, and segmentation. Inherits from WindowCaptureTriggerProperties.
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.OpenCVAuras.Triggers.MLSearch
Assembly: EyeAuras.OpenCVAuras.Metadata.dll
public record MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3 : WindowCaptureTriggerProperties, IEquatable<AuraPropertiesBase>, IEquatable<AuraTriggerPropertiesBase>, IWindowCaptureTriggerProperties, IAuraTriggerProperties, IAuraProperties, IPoeEyeConfigVersioned, IPoeEyeConfig, IHasVersion, ICanSetId, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, IEquatable<WindowCaptureTriggerProperties>, IEquatable<MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3>
Name | Description |
MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3() | |
MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3(MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3) |
Name | Description |
EqualityContract | |
ExecutionProvider | Gets or sets the execution provider for running the ML model (e.g., CPU, GPU). Default is set to MLExecutionProvider.Default. |
InterOpNumThreads | Gets or sets the number of threads for inter-operation parallelism in ML ONNX Inference sessions. Default value is 1. |
IntraOpNumThreads | Gets or sets the number of threads for intra-operation parallelism in ML ONNX Inference sessions. Default value is 1. |
MLClassName | Gets or sets the class name for machine learning model classification. |
MLModelData | Gets or sets the compressed model data used in the ML trigger. |
MaskProcessingType | Gets or sets the mask processing type for segmentation tasks, determining how masks are processed and included in results. Default value is MLMaskProcessingType.None. |
OverlapThreshold | Gets or sets the Intersection over Union (IoU) overlap threshold for object detection. This value helps in reducing false positives. Default value is 45. |
SimilarityThreshold | Gets or sets the similarity threshold for object detection. The model considers detections with a confidence score above this threshold. Default value is 35. |
Version |
Name | Description |
Equals(MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3?) | |
Equals(WindowCaptureTriggerProperties?) | |
Equals(object?) | |
GetHashCode() | |
PrintMembers(StringBuilder) | |
ToString() | |
<Clone>$() |
Name | Description |
operator ==(MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3?, MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3?) | |
operator !=(MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3?, MLSearchTriggerPropertiesV3?) |