Class SendMessageActionProperties
Represents the properties for the SendMessageAction, defining the necessary parameters for sending a message through the EyeAuras network.
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.NetworkAuras.Actions.SendMessage
Assembly: EyeAuras.NetworkAuras.Metadata.dll
public sealed record SendMessageActionProperties : AuraActionPropertiesBase, IEquatable<AuraPropertiesBase>, IAuraActionProperties, IAuraProperties, IPoeEyeConfigVersioned, IPoeEyeConfig, IHasVersion, ICanSetId, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, IEquatable<AuraActionPropertiesBase>, IEquatable<SendMessageActionProperties>
Name | Description |
SendMessageActionProperties() |
Name | Description |
ChannelId | The unique identifier of the channel within the EyeAuras network where the message will be sent. This ID determines the specific channel that will receive the message. |
EqualityContract | |
Text | The text of the message to be sent. This property stores the actual content of the message that will be transmitted to the specified channel. |
Version | The version of the SendMessageActionProperties. Indicates the iteration or revision of the properties structure. |
Name | Description |
Equals(SendMessageActionProperties?) | |
Equals(AuraActionPropertiesBase?) | |
Equals(object?) | |
GetHashCode() | |
PrintMembers(StringBuilder) | |
ToString() | |
<Clone>$() |
Name | Description |
operator ==(SendMessageActionProperties?, SendMessageActionProperties?) | |
operator !=(SendMessageActionProperties?, SendMessageActionProperties?) |