Class PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1
Represents the properties for a play sound action in the Aura framework. These properties define the sound notification's characteristics and playback behavior.
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.DefaultAuras.Actions.PlaySound
Assembly: EyeAuras.DefaultAuras.Metadata.dll
public sealed record PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1 : AuraActionPropertiesBase, IEquatable<AuraPropertiesBase>, IAuraActionProperties, IAuraProperties, IPoeEyeConfigVersioned, IPoeEyeConfig, IHasVersion, ICanSetId, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, IEquatable<AuraActionPropertiesBase>, IEquatable<PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1>
Name | Description |
PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1() |
Name | Description |
EqualityContract | |
Notification | Gets or sets the identifier or name of the sound notification to be played. Default value is "Ping". |
NotificationWav | Gets or sets the WAV format sound data. This data is compressed for efficient storage and transfer. The Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter attribute indicates the use of a specific converter for handling the compression. |
PlayInBackground | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sound should be played in the background. If true, the action completes immediately after starting the sound. If false, it waits until the sound has finished playing. Default is true. |
Version | Gets or sets the version of the properties. Default value is 1. |
Volume | Gets or sets the volume at which the sound notification should be played. This is a floating-point value, typically ranging from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume). Default is 1.0f. |
Name | Description |
Equals(PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1?) | |
Equals(AuraActionPropertiesBase?) | |
Equals(object?) | |
GetHashCode() | |
PrintMembers(StringBuilder) | |
ToString() | |
<Clone>$() |
Name | Description |
operator ==(PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1?, PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1?) | |
operator !=(PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1?, PlaySoundActionPropertiesV1?) |