Interface IAuraContext
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.Shared.Model
Assembly: EyeAuras.Shared.dll
public interface IAuraContext : IEyeContext, IAuraContainer, IEntityContainer, ICanSetPath, IHasPath, IHasName, ICanBeSelected, IHasSelected, IHasTimestamp, IAuraObject, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, IBindableReactiveObject, ICanSetContext, IHasContext, IHasErrors, IHasError, IHasErrorProvider, IHasVariables, IDisposable, ICanSetVariables, IHasBoundsWindow, IHasAttachedWindow, IPauseController, INotifyPropertyChanged
Name | Description |
IsActive | |
IsReady | IsReady means that Aura is fully loaded and is already doing it's work - triggers are working, executor is spinning, etc |
OnEnterActions | |
OnExitActions | |
Overlays | |
Triggers | |
WhileActiveActions |