Interface IMLSearchTrigger
Represents a trigger that employs machine learning, specifically YOLOv8, for tasks such as segmentation, classification, and object detection on CPU or GPU. This trigger is designed for advanced usage, especially in C# scripting, to leverage its full capabilities.
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.OpenCVAuras.Triggers.MLSearch
Assembly: EyeAuras.OpenCVAuras.Shared.dll
public interface IMLSearchTrigger : IWindowCaptureTrigger<IMLSearchDetectionResult>, IAuraTrigger, IAuraEntity, IAuraObject, IBindableReactiveObject, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, ICanSetContext, IHasContext, IHasErrors, IDisposable, IHasError, IHasErrorProvider, ICanSetName, IHasName, ICanSetDescription, IHasDescription, IHasBoundsWindow, IHasAttachedWindow, INotifyPropertyChanged
Name | Description |
Classifications | Contains immutable arrays of classifications made by the Yolo model. |
Confidence | Gets the confidence(%) of the best prediction/classification done by the model |
ConfidenceThreshold | Gets or sets the confidence threshold for predictions. The trigger activates if a prediction with confidence greater or equal to this threshold is found. |
ExecutionProvider | Gets or sets the execution provider, determining how the model is run (e.g., CPU, GPU, CUDA). |
InterOpNumThreads | Gets or sets the number of threads for inter-operation parallelism. This parameter tunes performance for ML ONNX Inference sessions. |
IntraOpNumThreads | Gets or sets the number of threads for intra-operation parallelism. This setting is also for optimizing ML ONNX Inference sessions. |
MLModelData | Gets or sets the binary data for the ML model, which is distributed with the trigger. |
OverlapThreshold | Gets or sets the Intersection over Union (IoU) overlap threshold for object detection. A higher value reduces false positives but may miss some objects. See for more information. |
Predictions | Contains immutable arrays of predictions made by the Yolo model. |
YoloModel | Gets the YoloModel used for inference in this trigger. |