Interface IColorSearchTrigger
Interface for a trigger that captures a specific window or screen area, performs color analysis, and then compares the identified color with a target color.
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.OpenCVAuras.Triggers.ColorSearch
Assembly: EyeAuras.OpenCVAuras.Shared.dll
public interface IColorSearchTrigger : IWindowCaptureTrigger<IColorSearchDetectionResult>, IAuraTrigger, IAuraEntity, IAuraObject, IBindableReactiveObject, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, ICanSetContext, IHasContext, IHasErrors, IDisposable, IHasError, IHasErrorProvider, ICanSetName, IHasName, ICanSetDescription, IHasDescription, IHasBoundsWindow, IHasAttachedWindow, INotifyPropertyChanged
Name | Description |
ColorComparisonGranularity | Sets or gets the granularity level at which the color comparison is performed. |
ColorSimilarity | Gets the DeltaE color similarity score between the source and target colors. |
ColorSimilarityThreshold | Sets or gets the threshold for color similarity that determines the trigger's activation. |
SimilarityMethod | Sets or gets the method used to calculate the similarity between the source and target colors. |
SourceColor | Gets the color identified or calculated from the captured screen or window region. |
TargetColor | Sets or gets the target color to be compared against the source color. |