Interface IMessageSubscriptionTrigger
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.NetworkAuras.Triggers.MessageSubscription
Assembly: EyeAuras.NetworkAuras.dll
public interface IMessageSubscriptionTrigger : IAuraTrigger, IAuraEntity, IAuraObject, IBindableReactiveObject, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, ICanSetContext, IHasContext, IHasErrors, IDisposable, INotifyPropertyChanged, IHasError, IHasErrorProvider, ICanSetName, IHasName, ICanSetDescription, IHasDescription
Name | Description |
ActivationTextEvaluator | Text evaluator used to determine if a received message should activate the trigger. This can perform text matching, regular expressions, or C# expression evaluations. |
ChannelId | The identifier for the channel in the EyeAuras network. This is usually generated from the SendMessage action. Any message received on this channel is subject to analysis. |
DeactivateAutomatically | Indicates if the trigger should automatically deactivate after being activated by the ActivationTextEvaluator. This happens even if no DeactivationTextEvaluator is set. |
DeactivationTextEvaluator | Text evaluator used to determine if a received message should deactivate the trigger. Similar to ActivationTextEvaluator in functionality. |
LastAuraMessage | The last received text message on the subscribed channel. |
Messages | A collection of the most recent messages received, stored in a circular list to limit memory usage. |