Interface ISendMessageAction
Inherited Members
Namespace: EyeAuras.NetworkAuras.Actions.SendMessage
Assembly: EyeAuras.NetworkAuras.dll
public interface ISendMessageAction : IAuraAction, IAuraEntity, IAuraObject, IBindableReactiveObject, IHasId, IHasTypedId<string>, ICanSetContext, IHasContext, IHasErrors, IDisposable, INotifyPropertyChanged, IHasError, IHasErrorProvider, ICanSetName, IHasName, ICanSetDescription, IHasDescription
Name | Description |
ChannelId | The identifier of the channel to which the message will be sent. This ID specifies the target channel within the EyeAuras network for message delivery. |
Text | The text of the message to be sent. This property holds the content of the message that will be transmitted through the network. |